Oct 19, 2006 15:09
I feel so sick. I mean like a cold.. sort of. My heart was racing, I was out of breath, and I felt faint. I guess it's just that I've been worrying too much lately. At least I have someone I can blame it on. but I won't, I'm not even going to say anything cause it's not like a regretful thing. Ug.. today started horrible, the middle of it was great, and then it all ended horribly. I felt like shit all day so I'm sorry if I ticked anyone off, but I think at least a couple people understood because I took the time to explain that I felt that way. So friday, I thought there were two groups going, but now there's one. I'm going to try to make it, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do, so I'll have to wait on it. My brother is coming home tomorrow, so I might have to be home, either that or I need some rides to places cause no one in my house is going to be going anywhere so I'm out of a ride. This is where having my friking licence would come in handy cause I could take my brother's car. but no. whatever. I'll just have to suck up to someone.