Title: waxing is FUN
Band: Alice nine
Rate: PG-unbetaed
Summary: ‘….I’LL SUCK YOU OFF MANAGER-SAN!!’ ‘you say that every month, that offer is as bad as your English’
Hiroto sits in the waiting room checking out his latest photo shoot photos. He was debating on whether to change his hair colour or not, despite his mother’s warnings his hair was going to fall out. Geeze doesn’t she know? Beautiful people don’t lose their hair, everyone knew that. Then suddenly a loud thump and some moron swearing his head off is heard from the salon room. The door flings open and a Saga wearing nothing but boxers comes bolting out. The manager runs after him and two other security guards. Sadly it’s like this every month when Alice nine attends the waxing salon to get EVERYTHING done. The fangirls don’t believe they wax, thinking they were all blessed with hairless legs, pencil thin eyebrows and no facial hair. Well some people could pull it off, but not Uruha. That’s just disturbing, it’s like seeing a woman with a thick moustache. Uruha thinks he can pull it off but what he doesn’t know is that Aoi, his boyfriend waxes it when he sleeps.
Hiroto doesn’t even bother to glance up knowing full well what’s happening. Saga attempts to hide behind the couch as their manager circles it and tries to grab him. Saga turns and runs into the two security guards, flung over their shoulders and taken back towards the room. ‘Please manager-san!!! I grew really nice hairy legs this month! It took me forever, don’t wax it off!!’ ‘No saga, you’re the sexy one of the group therefore you cannot be hairy.’ ‘But I wanna be manly! I’m sick of people calling me the girly whore! I mean…Tora doesn’t have to wax!!! Why me!??’ ‘Because Tora is the manly one of the group, he can be hairy if he wishes.’ ‘….I’LL SUCK YOU OFF MANAGER-SAN!!’ ‘you say that every month, that offer is as bad as your English’ Hiroto glances up as Saga attempts to hold onto the doorway and scream about saving his precious manly body hair.
By the end of all the commotion, everyone travels back to the studio all happy with their newly smooth skin. Everyone except Saga, who sits at the back of van holding onto the strips of wax that his beloved hair clings on to.