Feb 25, 2003 18:47
Compulsive Overeating(CO) and Binge Eating Disorder(BED)
~Fear of not being able to control eating, and while eating, not being able to stop.
All the time.
~Isolation. Fear of eating around and with others.
I do find it frightening. I'm ok around people I can trust, but I can't eat with work people, on my own in a McDonalds or somthing, etc.
~Chronic dieting on a variety of popular diet plans.
Not chronic, but I've tried a few yes, but I go more to restricting and fasting. Just as bad really.
~Holding the belief that life will be better if they can lose weight.
It will be in some respects. I won't feel so ill, I'll have more confidence, I'll be able to buy clothes I want and which are cheaper.
~Hiding food in strange places (closets, cabinets, suitcases, under the bed) to eat at a later time.
I've done that, sometimes still do that (rarely now). I used to hide it in my room for later, so that my one trip down to the kitchen looked like I was putting my dinner plate back and getting a snack or pudding, but really I was loading my pockets and hands up with loads of cakes, biscuits, cheese, etc. This is the first time I have ever admitted it....I don't know why I did on here. Hmm...
~Vague or secretive eating patterns.
Yep...kinda like above.
~Self-defeating statements after food consumption.
Quite a lot yes. Phil tells me off for saying bad things after I've eaten.
~Blames failure in social and professional community on weight.
Well, this is partically true (the actual failure)...I was bullied at school for several years and would sometimes take days off and in the end it helped develop my depression which resulted in my only completing one ALevel. Also, I have been abused at work by customers and the public which then stops me working or hinders me from coming in or working at all. So in part, as much as I blame my weight for my failures, some of that is true!
~Holding the belief that food is their only friend.
Well, I know it isn't, and I've never thought of it as a friend, but certainly a comfort and an entertainment source.
~Frequently out of breath after relatively light activities.
Sometimes, but I'm not that unfit yet, and hopfully I never will be.
~Excessive sweating and shortness of breath.
I think this and a few others might be the only ones I haven't got.
~High blood pressure and/or cholesterol.
~Leg and joint pain.
Yes, this is the only physical meanie I have. I have had problems with my knees and ankles. Ow.
~Weight gain.
Yes, I'm now approx. 5-6 stone overweight.
~Decreased mobility due to weight gain.
Not really, I just can't walk up hills as fast as most.
~Loss of sexual desire or promiscuous relations.
Loss of sexual desire yes.
~Mood swings. Depression. Fatigue. Insomnia. Poor Sleeping Habits.
All of the above.