name: nikki
birthdate: july 18
location (at least a general location): i'm in georgia
children? their names? ages? i am pregnant with a boy, he is due April 26th. his name is Aiden Brody.
status? single
college? major? i'm currently going to college to get a cosmetology degree.
occupation: right now, i'm just a student
did you have a different occupation before you became a Momma? What was it? before (and a few months after) i got pregnant, i worked at Lowe's Home Improvement, i was in a supervisor position there, but then i quit b/c it was too stressful for me, and i decided to go back to school.
preference & ability
5 bands/singers: it's hard to narrow it down to just 5...but here goes: !!!, Imogen Heap, Radiohead, Portishead, The Postal Service, The Shins...okay that's 6, sorry.
5 movies: Boondock Saints, Alice In Wonderland, Waking Life, Fight Club, and a newer one, Accepted.
5 books: Einstein's Dreams, Blue Like Jazz, i like books by Chuck Palahnuik, and I also love Edward Gorey's books.
5 children's books: The Lorax, Goodnight Moon, The Giving Tree, i'm drawing a blank now.
talents? i think my talents are hidden & i haven't discovered them yet.
what are your creative outlets (painting, sewing++)? i usually write, but in a stream of conscious way. i used to sew and i'd like to get back into that. i also get a lot of ideas for things to do, but then i never get around to doing them.
breast vs. formula: initially, i wanted to try breast feeding, but some of the medication i'm going to have to take will interfere with it.
pro life vs. pro choice: i would say i am for both, but i definitely do not think abortion is a means of birth control.
gay marriage: yes, why shouldn't EVERYONE be allowed to marry the one they love?
president bush: i don't think he should be president.
co-sleeping: i plan on doing it.
organic food: it's pretty expensive, and i'm not working, but when i have a chance i get it.
what does 'hip' mean to you? i think it's really about doing what you think is best for yourself (or your family), and being open-minded enough to see that not everyone is the same & everyone thinks differently.
why do you think you're a 'hip' momma? i think i will be a hip momma, b/c i am going to do what i think is best for my child. i will decide how to raise him based on my instinct, not tradition (of course, i'm not saying there is anything wrong with tradition, if it works for you...great!)
how did you find us? i think i found you through another community, but i don't remember.
post a salute (this is a photo of you holding a piece of paper with your username or the community name on it so we know you are real): i'll get back to you on this one, i don't feel like taking a photo right now.
post a 100x100 image (of yourself) for our info (hipmom_members): okay, my sister snapped this photo of me...