Shabbos update

Dec 01, 2007 23:24

DH took the wrong train from NWK Penn Station and ended up on the New Brunswick express.


I'm still sick but I was the bastion of efficiency.
I heated my shabbos special up. DS helped me set the table. I set my brand spanking new plata and hot water urn. I did candlelighting right on the nose. Yay!

I bagged shul...

DS's school had a Saturday morning presentation on the 100 Book Challenge from 9:45 - 11:45 AM. I have to say that I'm amazed at what goes into teaching reading.

I started reading when I was two years old. My mother didn't even finish elementary school. She is far from stupid. She knew that she had to throw books at me. By the time I was in fourth grade I had a college reading level. I scored the highest in the city. Boy did that throw those teachers for a loop.

However, DS inherited his father's disdain of books. I have to be fair - DH will read music mags and such things but everything else?! Heck no!

So it was interesting... I got Bridge to Terebithia as a take home book! I have to sign the Parent contract and get DS on the road to the love of books. I just have to keep myself from stressing DS out.

My icon promised stupidity and I will give it to you...

I spend a lot of time awake in the wee hours. I spotted some infomercials that peaked my snarky interest.

First up is Kinoki. Yes peeps, this is the height of stupidity. The ad pushes these detoxing foot pads which claim to remove heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, parasites and chemicals through ancient Japanese reflexology. Yes peeps...parasites. The kicker is that the commericial featured stock footage that appeared in another infomericial. The pad after one night of use is black as all hell but the chick's foot is clean and lily white. Wow!

While we're on nastiness I been seeing the Brethe air revitalizer machine popping up every where. I'm sorry but seeing a bunch of swirling oily and murky water in a overpriced plastic bucket does not evoke freshness. "Just brethe and you'll believe..." that it's very nasty indeed!

shabbos, parenting, dee dee dee, school, stupid ads, reading

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