Jonghyun thinks Jinki is right. He is stupid as well as stupider. Because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t follow the invisible trail of breadcrumbs Jinki left outside of the amusement park. He wouldn’t danger himself being seen by some unfathomable preconceived criminal scenario out here in a forest where he’s pretty sure leads to the beach.
He can smell
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Angry Jinki, you would make him speak wonderful insults.
meekly asks when a minute of the crickets singing passes by.
I love how you say common phrases in an uncommon way.
“Jessica-the blonde?”
Damn! It’s always Jessica. Idk why I hate Jongsica so much.
…I’m kind of amazing in that sense. Also, incredibly adorable. Just ask half the girls in our school.
And all of the guys.
Jonghyun drops the book on the mattress and rises to his feet and oh god was Jinki’s room getting smaller or was that all just him? Was he still drunk or…
>.< Poor Jinki, this would be incredibly awkward. I would probably never walk back into that room.
Thanks to Jonghyun and his lips…
*fist pump* get it.
To your A/N, but *_* I love Jongyu fluff and I needed this after Middlemen
thank you so much for reading and commenting :)
and this is exactly why i posted this right before ending middlemen. im glad it helped even if in some small way. hopefully you'll stick around for the taekey sidestory? yes? no? hehe.
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