kiss my attitude.

Mar 01, 2004 23:17

this entry is going to be public because i have some shit to say:

i'm in a fucking good mood. an amazing mood. but there are a few things that are making me really angry right now, so read at your own risk.

1." mandee". trying to peach herself all over my edwinjames. listen whore, i don't care what his MYSPACE STATUS says. oooh, a website. you met the kid once, &no one likes a slut. if you think you're going anywhere with him, it's more like you're driving straight into my fist. if anyone knows her, give her my screen name so that she &i can talk about a good time to kick her ass. thank you.

2. obscurity &shit talking. if you think you're tough, you might be. i don't care who you know. who i'm friends with is my business. i'm good enough for whoever i want to be good enough for. &if you're going to post comments on myspace about me, you could let me know so i can look for my bat. i don't particularly like getting into shit, but i will.

3. MY BIGGEST CONCERN AS OF RIGHT NOW: my best friend. she is fucking amazing. so how can YOU call yourself a friend to her, if you're going to go behind her back &plan on doing shit with the boy she digs?! &especially when you told her to her face you would never do that. you are a fucking WHORE. you are a lying, cheating, disgraceful, no good piece of trash. you do not DESERVE to be friends with her. she is AMAZING, &i would DIE for her. &you know something else? i'd kill for her too. i hope to god that i don't see you in the next few weeks, i'm going to walk up to you &push your teeth back into your throat. my friends mean more to me than anything in life, &you fuck with them, you fuck with me.

to everyone else: i fucking love you all. keep it up.

thank you &goodnight. ♥
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