Jun 10, 2005 17:44
shit is coming to a head with the living situation. talked to three attorneys this week.
one referred me to another since my shit wasnt his "area" blah blah
the second basically said youre fucked. felt i would gain nothing, medicaid would take all.
the third from pro seniors felt medicaid would NOT take the house and that i should have it put into my name.
but felt i should get mom on medicaid right away as it will go back 3 mos. and the home will come after me for any money that isnt covered. which they already are doing.
i have to fight my life off here and i dont even feel like moving. its hot. im not young physically and
i am depressed. the money is not great and wont last all summer. i guess i will need to look for work.
i dont kno if school is going to be an option. i dont even kno what i am gonna do for transportation this
summer. i suppose the dream of a nicer car is going to go out the window with my other dreams of shit which no one knows about or cares about. i dont see my family offering to help with any cash- nice that they can
take three fucking vacations a year.... hope you enjoy urself fuckers...dont burn in the sun.
im lucky to even get an e mail from those that could send them.
well even if the house is in my name i still have to worry about payin for it. and if not this place there is rent on some ghetto dump that will have to be dealt with and then nothing to show for that. i will probably make just enuf on this place to lose social security with my luck.
so basically i have lost not one but two inheritances in my life. my grandmother was going to leave me her house....riiiigbht,. that went to a nursing home as well. dumb ass coulda put it in my name i suppose but
didnt. i kno the world owes me nothing but when one is led down the garden path it stinks
now i have school hassles to contend with so i have extra stress right when i dont need it.
i almost would welcome working. a paycheck. no papers to write or if i do i get paid weekly to do it.
something like second shift time warner doesnt sound bad. maybe get this place fixed up by some
charity organization my shrink keeps saying will do it. riiight i gotta see that...
and get some help on the rent with a boarder.
i cant swing it myself. of course i have student loans to pay back when i leave school so debt is gonna be
with me for about three lifetimes.
i am at a place where i just want to walk away from it all. the sad thing is it isnt easy even with a
masters-which i aint got yet- to bail oneself out of financial crap. i am just one person who has a
shit horrible work record. and couldnt even cope with a job at krogers -
will i everrrrrrrrr be free of debt and able to work. tarot cards are great but i need a 500 bux a week gig.
would y'all PLEASE stop asking if or saying that you kno who is my man or boyfriend -
i mean it is nice that you think that it IS a possibility and all but somehow it seems like a bad joke-
harold and maude remake anyone?
where the hell is bill btw?
keep some space open in the backseat joe, if this place sells...ya never kno