weekend review

Sep 02, 2003 10:38

So at work this morning...it's another morning of waiting around while they fix what they need to fix so I can do what I need to do. Instead I'm doing some busywork, and catching up on my comics/blogs from the weekend, and trying to think of something to put up.

This weekend....can't remember what I did Friday...maybe just sat around? I think Matt and I did some stuff at the old apartment, bickered, and looked for shades for the kitchen and living room windows. Saturday was the busy day; met morgansong at her house to run to the yarn store to pick up some yarn for a wedding shawl, and then dropped her off at her seamstress. Then went into town to change the plan on my cell phone (changed to family plan so Matt and I can have just one bill for the cell phones) and get Matt a new phone. That took one and a half HOURS. My phone had a hard time activating, and the customer service rep had to call tech support. As I am well aware, calling tech support on a Saturday afternoon can take a looooooong time. So Matt familiarized himself with his new phone, and I watched 5 kids terrorize and demolish the store, while their moms talked to the guy about pre-paid phones and credit checks. One little girl, maybe 3 or 4 got so frustrated that she took off her shoe and started hitting her mother with it. Another little boy, maybe 9 or 10 was there with his mom and aunt, and he stared at the child in fascination. I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was, which was, "I would have NEVER gotten away with that." After that, Matt and I bickered some more, and I dropped him off at home so I could go help Kelly and Chris with the firehouse. I did the second coat of primer on one side of the firehouse, and painted some shiplap for the doorway, that Chris's mom framed out on Sunday. Saturday night I was supposed to head over to morgansong's house to visit the gamers while they gamed, but I was too tired. Instead, geekpixie came over, and we had a real nice visit. Matt came home about 2 am, and we went to bed. Loooooong day.

Sunday was quiet, but nice. Got up relatively early, headed out a little late back to Chris and Kelly's to rip boards off the side of the house, and use powertools. It was a lot of fun, actually. Then I braved killer traffic (took me over an hour to get home, should have been 40-45 minutes) and crashed at home on the couch. Virgil and I watched a horrible TV movie on CourtTV, then pretended to clean up the house. I did like 3 loads of dishes, and made attempts to clean up my pile of stuff in the computer room, and pile of knitting in the living room. Two things about the TV movie - I recognized Judge Reinhold right away - as the dad in the movie. Everytime I looked at him I just remembered him in FTaRH in the Pirate costume...I felt like he should be wearing an eyepatch the whole time. I also recognized the son, but couldn't place him. He was a very young Giovanni Ribsi, best known for his role in...um...well...I'm not really sure where I recognize him from. Maybe Saving Private Ryan? Ooh, or all those Mod Squad commercials.

Monday we went up to Matt's parent's house, and stopped to visit his grandmother. We had a nice time. It was very stressful for me, just the travelling bits. I drove up and back in my rental car. I used to have really good night vision, but I don't anymore. It's only been the last month, I don't know what happened. So the whole ride home I was practically sobbing because I couldn't see a thing, and I was terrified.

Today I woke up nice and early to shower and get ready for work and school. Today is my first day of school, and I'm really, really looking forward to it. I'm not looking forward to work days that start when I leave the house at 7:45 and end when I leave school at 9:15. Whew.

Wish me luck!


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