
May 02, 2006 13:04

::sighs:: Hello everyone . . . SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER FOR THE SEMESTER!!!  THE SUMMER IS CALLING!!!  I'm so freaking excited.  ::beams::

I just read Ali's xanga page thingy, and I decided I really need to say something:

I am so thankful for all of the people in my life that help me.  Alison is one huge person.  I can always rely on her to give me the best advice possible without her putting her personal beliefs and feelings in there.  She really looks at things from an outsider I guess.  Plus, she talks things through with me, not at me.  Thank you sweetie.  You mean the world to me.

Megs.  I realize that we don't talk much (probably just as much as Ali and I don't talk) but I love that we can pick up the phone and pick up from where we left off.  That means so much to me.  It means so much because I know years from now we will still be chatting.  You mean the world to me.

Ezra: self explanitory: I use him for sex ::shrugs:: jk, i love you baby.\

Kelly, you're my sister.  What more can I say.  We will always have each other.

::grimaces:: My parents even though my dad is a closed minded idiot and my mom is kind of a quack.

Anna, Ilana, and Deborah.  You are like my second family.

Charlie, even though he can't read this he is like my little baby boy.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a best friend that licked my face and curled up with me and looked at me loyaly with his big brown puppy dog eyes.  It's funny, but having him makes me want a kid even more.  I've tought him so many things that he didn't learn from his last family.  He's like a little 5 year old.  It's excelent.  He didn't even know how to lick/ kiss people until I and my dogs tought him how.  That's just amazing!  I wish he could grow up and learn to talk and stuff.  I love him so much.

Gwen!  I love you.  You're probably my most favorite person to work with ever and you're a great friend.  I'm not really around, but if I had more time I would spend alot more with you.

Evan, you are such a good friend.  I love our get togethers, even though Ezra and I usually end up driving home at 2 AM ready to fall asleep at the wheel, it's nothing that can't be cured by blasting music and keeping the windows open.  Thank you for always opening up your room and renting movies to watch.  I don't think I think about it alot, but I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you to talk to about homeopathy and natural healing.  You teach me new stuff everytime I talk to you.  You mean the world to me.

I can't possibly remember everyone that means the world to me.  These are just the people I see everyday.  I love you all and you ALL mean the world to me.

If any of you have a LJ, MySpace, or xanga please pass this on and let the people you are friends with know how much you really care.  Because in reality we don't tell them enough.

::sighs:: So I'm becoming a vegan.  I've become the one thing I used to habitually make fun of lol.  Call me a hippocrit, but I have to say.  It's like a challenge I'm willing to rise to.  It's been tough but I'm getting pretty good at it.  ::IDEA::  omg Ali, we SO should get together once every two weeks or something, go grocery shopping and cook a new vegan recipe!!!  Omg cause it would help me learn new things to eat and it would give us fun time to spend together. and we could watch a movie or something.

I feel old guys.  I was thinking about all the music I listen to compared to new music and I was like, wow I'm old.

I've decided that if I could go back in time I would go to the 60's and become a hippy and hitch hike and live as a bohemian.  I dunno.  That would be so much fun.  I should do that today.

I've also decided to join Love Makes A Family.  A. I consider myself bisexual even though I've never really been with a girl and if I was to ever date a girl It would make me mad that if I really loved her I wouldn't be able to marry her.  (ezra i love you and you don't need to worry about me leaving you :-)  and B. I hope to marry Ezra some day and it makes me REALLY angry knowing that same-sex couples can't have the same rights as I have with Ezra or that they can't be as happy as I could possibly be some day.

LOL.  I'm gonna start refering to Ezra as my LP haha.  hehe.

I dunno, I just think that gay rights are really important.  I don't think it's wrong for people to think that being gay is wrong or that it's immoral.  I think that it's wrong to make marriage illegal for them because religion and government NEED to be separate.  They should have marriage rights, not the right to marry into any religion because, well religion is private and the government has no right to tell the church they have to marry gays just as the church has no right to tell the government to make gay marriage illegal.  I don't really believe in christianity or Catholicism, why should I need to follow the rules of the religion because the government tells me to?  Anyways, don't take any of this at face value.  I'm just ranting.  If you have a problem with anything I say then you can like IM me or call me and I'll explain myself.  I don't mean to offend anybody and if I did I apologize.

I'm getting sick of typing.  Muah I love you all.
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