You showed your ass and I saw the real you.

Jul 01, 2011 20:29

Having a great time at the newspaper job. So good in fact I decided to extend my time there. I really have learned so much, hopefully by next Thursday I'll have a page three lead with a big by line saying my name.
Big thanks to Ju and Alice as well for reigniting my creative spark - it has literally been years since I have written something because I have enjoyed it and all the way back in high school when I was writing creatively was when I fell in love with writing. It was why I took it at Uni and college.
That was how this all started, college and uni took the fun out of it but now I'm starting to remember. Thanks girls.
Beyonce's new album is so good, some of the songs have a proper Motown feel to them but with a modern twist. It's nice to hear.

I'm hoping to get some P.R experience in over the next few years, if anyone has any ideas for something I could do whilst at uni that'd be cool.
Someone suggested I offer to do PR as a volunteer at LT. Sounds good but I've heard horror stories about the LT...

We've moved out of hudds and back to Blackpool for a few weeks before moving into the new house and we have far too much stuff...we need to sort our lives out.

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