Rv issues

May 30, 2009 10:09

so ihave 36 hours to move the RV from the  lot wgereit hasbeen parked... for over a year and we have been paying rent but things have changed and i have to move it this week end and i cn find a pkecto move it to but no way to move it becaue when i put the move battery in...it sparked and then would not  start at all after all that... i dont know what to do and ive got to do it yesterday...at thispoint though i would have likde to have gotten some money for it...at this point if i can give it to anyone who has a use for it and can come and get it.....i just dont now where to get helpo....no place that looks like ano ption is unable to answer the pnone, my e-mail or anything...helo help help

rv disposal, desperate

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