working again

Feb 07, 2011 15:19

SO I started a new job today. I was so excited that the process went so smoothly, I even forgot to ask what they pay!!!!! Quite Frankly they have been so welcoming and appreciative I can't imagine I would be unhappy no matter what I get paid. It is more than I could count on 3 weeks ago before I even new this job was out there.
I am so happy to feel useful. I am so happy to be helpful, I am totally in love with the invironment.  It seems They need all the quirky ,  weird things that I have collected in my brain all my life .
More than anything, after year of my Father being so completely convinced I had been a waste, I feel justified that I was right trying to learn the things I learned, believing in the things I believed in and that for me, my priorities are completely straight.
I made a difference in my Daughters's life , though I am not sure always if it was the best one, I tried really hard, and now I am very sure I have something to offer this job.
IT is funny. AS a kid , used to get so angry at my father and swear I would NEVER be a teacher...that I would NEVER be like him ,and I am ...and glad to be here. It is home.
MY mother, would understand though, she knew who I was all along!

new job

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