The Heat (The Energy)

Jun 10, 2009 13:11

I've been a bit concerned about myself for the last week or so. Why? I seem to have become somehow charged with energy, and I'm not sure where it's come from. Steen advanced a theory that it might have something to do with the increased frequency with which I'm walking to/from work - I'd gotten into a bit of a rut since Christmas where Steen would drive us both to work in the morning, dropping me off along the way, and would then pick me up after work as well. Something snapped about a month ago and I decided that enough was enough, I was starting to feel really unfit and lethargic, and that it was high time I got my lazy arse walking again. So virtually every day now, I at least walk home from work - sometimes I walk in as well, but I am legendarily crap in the morning, so sometimes it just doesn't happen. The first few days pretty much left me useless when I got home, but the more I've done it, the more energy I seem to have. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or not, but there even seems to have been a very slight (I mean, bordering on the infinitesimal, but there nonetheless) reduction in the mass of my belly area, too. This can only be A Good Thing.

This increase in energy has left me a bit fidgety at home, though, which in turn has meant that I have - probably very much to Steen's relief - been not just content but positively gung-ho about de-entropising the flat and otherwise completing niggling little projects that I've let slide for months. This last weekend, for instance: I ended up spending the best part of a whole day going through all the filing that's been piling up since practically a year ago, and de-cluttering the filing cabinet whilst I was busily - and happily, that's the scary bit - re-organising it all. The last few days I've been merrily organising the chaotic state of our back-up drive, which is strewn with literally hundreds of gigabytes of accumulated weirdness. I've updated every program going on the PC. I've fixed all kinds of Windows-related problems that were causing problems when our PC started up.I've stripped out everything that I had in iTunes and re-organised it all. I've dug out my C# manuals. I've dug out my Welsh tutorial files. I've stuck up a whole bunch of stuff on eBay, with a lot more to follow. I've renewed my passport for the trip to the US this summer. The list goes on...

It's odd. The more regular exercise may help to explain where the energy came from, but I'm not really sure what has focused that energy on sorting out all these trivial things, other than perhaps a vague feeling that it's annoying to exist day-to-day with them all looming in the background somewhere. Whatever the reasons, I'm sure Steen is grateful that I'm finally doing something more constructive than monging out in front of online forums/Gamebase/MAME/Space Giraffe every night for hours at a time. And, strangely, so am I. Given to rapid entropisation of my chosen living space though I am, sometimes it feels good to say, "No more!", roll up yer sleeves and get stuck in. Given that there are about three crates full to overflowing with stuff that needs to go up on eBay, I'm not sure I'm going to recognise the flat when I get done.

I'm not sure how long this will last, though - so I'd best get back to eBay whilst the mood still takes me... :-)
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