Weekend Recap

Mar 07, 2005 00:56

Ok so, Bad News first? Yes. Bad News first... Bad News:

First: When i auditioned i kind of sucked, because i was sick and my voice was dying, and i only got to do about 10 seconds of my second monologue because i took up about 25 seconds with coughing fits. Second: My first night stay was entertaining, but sucked at the same time. I stayed with this dude Chito (Brother of Emilio. Emilio = boyfriend of Heather. Heather = sister of mine) and a couple friends of his roomate's came over right as i was about to sleep, and they were all completely wasted (Friday... good planning on my side). So that was interesting. But i must say, being completely sober around hammered people is highly amusing... Anyways, Third: My second night stay sucked too, because both roomates were snoring, and the dorm was small, and i used a beanbag as a pillow/bed. Fourth: As I was gone, my family FINALLY got the letter from the DMV, stating the revoked status of my license. Fifth: I've grown progressively sick as the weekend has gone on.

Alright. Good News:

First: As i walked into the audition room, Tom McNally shook my hand and introduced me to this other woman, Tracy, who was sitting in on auditions. And he introduced me as "Alex, who is already accepted into our program here." Hey! Nice to know! So this is a scholarship audition, eh? NEATO! lol... So that was a very friendly shock. Second: Met some really cool people in the theatre program up at UNC. Third: Saw the campus, which is very nice looking. Fourth: Watched their opera... Funny thing about that- it was performed by like all the music majors, who- for the most part- have no acting training. So their voices were AMAZING, and their acting was cruddy... Lol, but still enjoyable. Awesome voices. Fifth: My license was supposedly revoked, beginning February 7th, so i have already served about a month (of the three).

Off i go to study for my econ final a bit more, that i have to take tomorrow morning.
/end recap.
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