wow this is like weird to never kno who is reading my stuff now...tryin to get me in trouble...yeah for those of you who didnt kno, my parents totally got that same frickin envelope with the ljs in it. yeah they were WAAAAAYYYAYY pissed. n e wayz...GOD now I dont know what to say, Im like scared to talk about stuff. ssoooo...I just watched Jersey girl. It was kinda cute. I wanna seee...the wedding date! This is retarded. survey time.
!! FREAKOUT! Created by
mcbobaroo and taken 408 times on
bzoink!HELLO!SALUTE! yay I spoke french!x. from where you are right now, how long would it take to drive to canada?I have no clue?x. what length of socks do you prefer?the short kindx. when was the last time you ate ice cream?uumm yesterdayx. ...what kind was it?the heath bar kind and I only ate like one bite cuz it was yuckyx. how many times does the phone ring before you answer it?it depends how far away it isx. make an acronym out of your first and last names!whats an acronym?x. did you know that mexican jumping beans jump to get out of the sunlight?no, no I didnt. but I like the asian type of jumping beans better anyway.x. are you good at scrabble?last time I played I won!!!!! But my dad got allll mad cuz I tried to use mofo as a word and that wasnt appropriate enough for himx. DO YOU LIKE HOCKEY!NOT THAT MUCH!x. paper or plastic?it dependsx. how many laws have you broken in the past 24 hours?ummm I dont think any..x. how many of those were traffic violations?!none!x. are you a chopstick master?no dude I cant use those things to save my life. I just like stab the food with them like damn you wonton! HOTTONG!! x. don't you think sneezing can be fun?no but okay? yay this was a short one
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Go to bzoink! oooohh good luck at the comp everyone!!!!!!