Nov 13, 2006 13:46
Here is my converstation with an older man at the bar.
Him: Wow your the cutest girl in the bar
Me: uhm okay, thanks (feeling a little creeped out)
Him: Your one of those people that you have to say WHAT ARE YOU, your a girl right?
Me: (pissed off) yes i am a girl
Him: yeah i thought so because you have nice breasts....
He went on to talk about stupid shit and I had to get up and walk away..
I think he was really drunk and only saw blurry visions of my face or something.. But good god that is why I don't like being at a bar by myself for very long.. and of coarse it was right after my friend went to the bathroom and this creepy old dude in cowboy boots and wranglers comes and sits by me..