Dec 23, 2005 17:27
Contrary to the usual scene fo "truck boys" waiting around for the truck, the truck came early today and the "truck manager" Daniel, wasn't in yet b/c the truck was early. So the truck is waiting around, I see the driver chatting it off wiht Mark and Evan. Meanwhile the phones are ringing off their hooks "Do you have Tomochachis? Do you have Dr. Dreadful? Do you have 20Q? Do you have Dora's house?" The last question was addressed to Deb and I hear her across the store ask "Dora has a house?" Thankfully no Talking Kitchen questions today. My reply to all phone conversations was: "not now but our truck is being unloaded as we speak so check in later today." No tomochachis (fuck!) and no 20Q and no Dr.Dreadful came off the truck. Ah, a new season of toys as arrived (post holiday that is). Poor fuckers for missing out on the hot toys of the year. Amazing story. A lady came in first thing and asked for a Doodle Bear which I thought was long gone for at least 3 days. She said "well Dee Dee would have here, it was the last one." I immediately knew that my head manager, Dan, had spoken to her adn if Dan says "yes" the answer is "yes." So as soon as I saw "Dee Dee" whose real name is Diane, she got the lady her bear. When the bear was rung up I told her how lucky she was. One lady left her entire shopping cart here overnight b/c when i came in the back I saw a whole cart with a name on it. Sure enough I rang that stuff up first thing. I was shocked to see all the toys outside when I drove in at 9AM. I was thinking "did my manager get frusterated with me?" Turned out there was an old timer (been there for 3 years) who was back from college that day. She knew how to do gift reciepts! I thought we could never do them. I inisted she teach me how and when I tried ot make one it didn't work out, poor customer.
My scanner bonked out on me 2 times. First time, right before lunch, I restarted teh computer and A-ok. It's always the huge boxes with bar codes in weird places that cause the scanner to say "Hell no!" after the scan. Grrrr. I should just skew the big items. So after the scanner bonked out a second time I just said "fuck it" and took the small itme people (thankfully they came to me). While on break (just after punching out) I saw Priya, my hs valedictorian and former envy. I was so psyched to see her though. Told her biology had never been the same since she was in my ninth grade class (as I recall she reiterated the same to me). Her brother is doing science research (both of us were in that) so she knew that our bio teacher was an advisor in the program (other adivosr moved to CA). It was soooo good to talk to her. I told her about my school she told me about Harvard and told me she was pre-med. She was amazed that I was doing history. I told her since it was my gut class in high school I made it my major. Aparantly I was talking with her too long because Diane shooed me away ot go on lunch (lines were horrendous at register because the customers were on THEIR lunch break. I rushed over to McD's where there wasn't a line (subway, starbucks and wings were busy), rushed back, gobbled down a Quarter Pounder and rushed over to my register. By that time the lines were clear (lunch time customers were out). I felt bad. Daniel, who was cashier while I was gone, joked to Deb when she got back that the customers went with her. My register ran out of dough, again. Kinda daily occurance this week (go figure) so during my last hour of transactions the computer would tell me "get money!" after every transaction. So annoying since I'd re-supplied $100 in 5's and 1's 2 hrs before. I had to give $64 change to some nitwit with a hundred dollar bill at 9:30. I dind't want him to take all my bills so I had Diane refresh me wiht 20's. I was chatting it off big time wiht the "returnee" from College. her name is Emma. We had a blast swapping "war stories" as in pet peeves about customers. Apparently she's had mystery shoppers at her register. Wow. I wanna be a mystery shopper.
Made 2 calls to home office today, one for a trike and one for bath baby. I think I got the same woman and she was very helpful, went like a breeze, unlike the lady who could barely speak English 2 wks back. I bet home office had a ton of calls today! My customers were very patient today. Both rolls of tape (reciept and record) ran out at different times today adn I loaded them both just fine (yay me!) no one had told me before yesterday that you have to make the roll run until it comes through teh printer, after you've loaded it. Before I just let it sit there. Unfortunately I missed 3 transactions on teh record roll which I guess is ok since it's on the computer and the roll is just kind of a hard copy.
People are so funny. One guy was like "the SKU is here" and he was pointing to the bar code. SKU is the six digit number above hte price tag. We use it if the bar code doesn't come out. I can think of 3 situations where I've had type in SKU: my scanner doesn't work, bar code doesn't read and bar code gives the wrong price. I had to do several price changes today. Without telling manager, bad me. However whenever I tell them "OK I need to change price" they think I'm naiive and are like "so? you know what to do so just do it!" So much for company policy. Speaking of breaking policy I ran a transaction after clocking out. Daniel asked me to ring up a lady and since it was him and he's my favorite manager I told him "just for you!" the lady was grateful and I flattered her by telling her I was doing this just for her because she looked like such a neat customer. Ran out of large bags so I had to run to the next register to get more, constantly and I filled some huge clear "Green Friday" sacs. I gave away free AAA batteries b/c we ran out of them so I gave away our demo batteries which don't have price tags. Did this twice. Saved the customers $5. You do this so they come back for your generosity. It seems like a loss but when they come back and bring their friends back b/c of the good rep, it's more dough in the end. Meanwhile I unpacked alot of AA 4 packs (they go the fastest). They came on register strings (plastic bands with notches for the batteries) so I took the Digipets down and put the batteries up. Register lane items are going so fast b/c ppl use them for stocking stuffers. It was so funny today. The EMT's from OVAC came over and made a big purchase and joked to them "but what if someone has a heart attack?" and they pointed at the guy who was paying for all the toys and said "Oh well, he's here." They were so cute, those guys! He gave me a candy cane and I was so grateful. Kept it at my register until one guy complimented me for being so efficient (I rang up the first item I saw on the counter, whihc was something he didn't want) adn he complimented me, said eh needed workers like me at his job and asked if I was the owner or manager and I said "neither, I've worked here 2 months!"
OK think that's all for my toy tales. Next time at work will be day after Christhmas (major returns and reshop jobs I bet). I'll probably work with Emma becuase Deb will only be on for 1 day. She looked so sad today when I was going, thought we'd never work together again :(.
Toodles, I'm out.