Picture mutilation steps

Sep 25, 2011 18:40

Just saving this in case I lose it or, on the tiny chance someone wants to know what I put my screenshots through. Undoubtedly overly convoluted and messy.

Regular picture
1. Copy layer (ctrl J), set copy to Screen, 70% opacity.
2. Merge down.
3. Copy layer (ctrl J). Increase saturation on copy to +63. Set to Soft Light, 50% opacity.
4. Merge down.
5. Image size (mine to 600x450 pixels).
6. Copy layer (ctrl J) and merge down (because I have a Thing against those semi-translucent border pixels. A Thing that deserves capitalization).
7. Filter -> Artistic -> Paint Doubs (brush size 1, sharpness 1). I once picked this up from a tutorial, it's been my go-to sharpening toy in Photoshop ever since.
8. Copy layer (ctrl J) -> Blend Mode, Inner Shadow (Multiply, black, 75%, 120 degrees, Use Global Light, distance 0, choke 0, size 18)
9. Merge down.
10. Stroke (5 pixels, black, inside).
11. Stroke (4 pixels, white, inside).
12. Stroke (2 pixels, black, inside).

1. Repeat regular picture process.
2. New layer, fill with really dark navy blue. Set to Excusion with 100% opacity.
3. New Layer, fill with light peachy blossomy pink. Set to Color Burn with 100% opacity.
4. Do titel-stuff.

So yeah. Don't know why I'm posting this except that I'm a moron and electrical thingies have a tendency to do unexpected things to me and I would be really really displeased if I lost this process because I like it. And no, I don't do it by hand with every picture. I used to, until I was introduced to the wonders of Actions.

not the tutorial you're looking for

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