Well, I had a naming ceremony for Elda and Toji's twins! Of course, being a ceremony/ party of sorts it meant I had to do lots of sewing for it! Decided the theme for the family was grey - all different shades and fabrics, but grey, with a hint of pink! Me and Elda had to make some new sculpey food for the occasion and we had guests over and much fun was had - as well as changeable weather!
I used brocade with pink dragons on it for the boys tunics! So cute! They definitely take after their daddy in their manner of dress. Or maybe it's just the way Elda dresses them! XD
All the guests together. Godparents, friends, family
I was pleased with how everyone's outfits turned out in the end.
I think Kaede's was my favourite though.
The photo-story is on Flickr (best viewed on slideshow):