May 13, 2008 12:29
So, once again, I'm very much in a stand still at my life. I've realized that I only post now when things are just really confusing.
So was in therapy last quarter and went to see the guy maybe 4 to 5 times. It was kind of helpful, but kind of not. My last appointment was during finals week and I canceled because I was sick and wanted to get some extra sleep. Other than that I haven't gone back, and I really should.
Physically I've been feeling loads better this quarter, even when I don't take my stomach medicine, which is really great. I'm still having anxiety though. It's really not been horrible though--mostly because I don't put myself in situations where I might get anxious. I don't go to the movies, plays, lectures (other than class), and avoid long car rides where I'm not driving.
I went to the doctor today with hopes that he'd prescribe me something like xanax that I could take when needed that would mellow me out, but not knock me out. He instead prescribed celexa which I take everyday and will eventually make the neurons fire better in my head and I should experience less anxiety. But it's everyday and I won't start feeling the effects for 2-4 weeks though I really won't feel the effects--they'll just kind of happen where I'll overall be calmer. I just need something for those situations and I just don't know. I feel like such a drug seeker but I just want to try xanax because I've heard it does what I need a drug to do.
I just can't deal with this all on my own. I just want to run away from my problems and pretend they don't exist.