Oct 08, 2011 23:50
- 01:09 Game of Thrones Comic Art for Sale: Not just by one artist, but by two! First off, Tommy F. Patter... t.co/NckmgYmf #asoiaf #grrm #
- 10:27 @ handsofsugar If they are, the show has been very tight-lipped. Most Winterfell filming has not yet happened, though, so we'll see. #
- 18:07 Updated: 2nd part of Peter Orullian's interview with #GRRM: ow.ly/6Rpkn #ASoIaF #Rock #WildCards #WorldOfIceAndFire #
- 18:32 @ cherylmorgan @Hornswoggler Bleeding Cool and Neil both shared photos of stacks of the books being removed by staff. #
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