Nov 25, 2010 02:01
- 00:37:50: From writer Carrie Vaughn: me and Wild Cards « Filling the Well #GRRM #WildCards
- 00:59:05: @ nbomb Going to be awesome. Make sure to check out, too :)
- 01:06:09: Way back in 2005, a fan on our forum suggested David Bradley as Walder Frey: #GameOfThrones #Nostradamus
- 01:26:43: David Bradley is Walder Frey?: Read more and see an extended clip from one of the actor's roles #GameOfThrones
- 09:49:54: RT @daviddlevine: OMG the final Wild Cards cover has my name (and Carrie's and Michael's, but mine's first) in a starburst!! http://bit. ...
- 10:00:34: @ elfo_oscuro @Darth_Unai #GameOfThrones se transmite en la primavera. Probablemente abril.
- 10:23:16: Bradley Confirmed and a Different Smith: George R.R. Martin has confirmed that David Bradley, bes... #gameofthrones
- 13:59:48: @ greis09 I have, actually. Israfel is a member of the forum I run. :) Must RT this, though.
- 14:02:08: 7 against 3 at the Tower of Joy. Read by Roy Dotrice. My favorite passage in the series (via @greis09) #ASoIaF
- 16:04:04: @ ogbebaba Agreed. Great way to give them more of a connection.
- 16:13:14: More shots of Castle Ward, aka Winterfell RT @ clearskyni #GameOfThrones set at Clearsky ADventure Centre
- 16:27:05: @ flashpackerhq Check out They have the teasers, behind the scenes pictures and videos, etc. Good stuff.
- 16:36:53: @ clearskyni Great photos!
- 16:43:37: @ flashpackerhq I've a friend who works in Laos. :) How about a photo gallery? &
- 16:55:16: @ wicnet A not so little bird told me they'd be in Belfast early next month. Saving the biggest action scenes for last, it seems.
- 17:06:56: RT @Kulia: @ WiCnet "Battle of the Green Fork" sounds like a Thanksgiving Day fight between vegetarians and turkey eaters.
- 17:28:25: @ jennymillar Check out -- teasers, behind the scenes vids, and more pictures too. :)
- 17:43:24: @ andrutap Tres! Michele Fairley (Catelyn Stark) es Mrs. Granger en la nueva película, también.
- 18:31:46: @ gameofthrones I admit that I did. Too much of the big reveal for the 1st episode was given away, IMO. The rest was fine.
- 18:34:21: @ gameofthrones That said, most people unfamiliar with the series who have their interest piqued by it will either go and read the book...
- 18:34:47: @ gameofthrones ... or they won't, and come Spring they won't remember much of anything EW wrote, so it's all good.
- 18:57:25: Die Fremde, starring Sibel Kikelli, has won the European Parliament's 2010 LUX Cinema Prize. #GameOfThrones #Shae
- 20:07:38: @ skorheim Walking Dead sound like a rather mixed bag, from reviews I've read. Shame. Hope it finds a better footing in its next season.
- 20:21:36: @ janeespenson Do writers get to see rough cuts of the eps they've written? Have you seen a cut of your ep. of Game of Thrones?
- 21:00:11: @ hexaphim Some distinct critiques over at our forum, for one. has had some mixed reviews, as well.
- 21:04:00: Support the Mountain that Rides! Vote in Suvudu's Villains Cage Match finale: #ASoIaF
- 22:29:08: @ labyrnth @GameOfThrones I concur! My set visit a few weeks ago really floored me. Stood in the sky cell and I saw the throne room.
- 23:10:23: @ labyrnth Oh, that's cool! I did see some of the costumes and such, it's all incredibly impressive. So much craft and workmanship.
- 23:58:08: @ sophierrturner Evening!
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