(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 19:51

haha this is danis too. lol

-->y o u .
[x] Name: Briana
[x] Nicknames: Bri bri bri wimpy no 2 wolfy woof woof brina banana bananawaffle bri marie
[x] Screen name: hippohater0617 is the one i use the most but i have about 6 billion
[x] Sex: GiirL

[x] Birthday: Nov. 24th

[x] Height: 5'2
[x] Hair color: Blonde
[x] Is your hair long or short: shortish

[x] Eye color: Blue
[x] City born in: Rochester Hills

[x] Location now: Oxford

[x] Siblings: 1 sister, 1 brother, and a step sister
[x] Parents married/divorced: divorced and both remarried

[x] Who are your closest friends: Spiices Ri-Ers and Bradley

[x] Who makes you laugh the most?: all of the above

[x] Who knows the most about you?: Bradley, Alisha, Dani, and Andge

--> c r u s h i n . . .
[x] Pre-School: didnt go to preschool..i was waay too smart for tht shit lol

[x] Kindergarten: bc i def remember
[x] 1st Grade: ..

[x] 2nd Grade: ..
[x] 3rd Grade: brian pesja

[x] 4th Grade: brian still

[x] 5th Grade: kevin mcleod

[x] 6th Grade: josh greer

[x] 7th Grade: kyle kaan

[x] 8th grade: alex hazlett, zach lacroix

[x] 9th grade: mark corso

[x] 10th grade: Brad fo shizzle.

[x] 11th grade: Yepp you guessed it BRAD!!

[x] 12th grade: Brad bc ill love him for the rest of my life

--> o t h e r .
[x] Do you have a job: yes 2 jobs. carwash and palace/dte/meadowbrooke
[x] What are you scared of: spiders, clowns, losing ppl i love
[x] Most interesting thing you've done this summer: brad came to the cottage with me..
[x] What store do you shop at the most: PacSun
[x] Have you ever done any drugs: No Waaaay Jose
[x] Do you collect anything: sugar packets..shhh im a loser lol
[x] Are you a ditz: i have my moments lol

--> f a v o r i t e s .
[x] Day of the week: Friday and Saturday
[x] Thing in your room: my bed
[x] Cousin: Alisha and Ryan are friken sweet! i love them!!

[x] CDs: burnt ones. but i looove the one brad made me :)
[x] Song(s): alot
[x] Animal: Dolphin

[x] Ice cream: Peanut Butter Chocolate
[x] Drink: Dr Pepper
[x] Thing to do: hangout with my spiices.. hav fun with my boo lol haha..and go to Ri

[x] Hangout: Ri and Beaches
[x] Pizza topping: Pepperoni.. n sauce.. no cheese plz

--> r a n d o m .
[x] Where do you see yourself in 10 years: married and happily living in a gorgeous house
[x] If you could live anywhere: Russell Island
[x] Dream house: already got it picked out lol its sweet.
[x] What age do you want to get married: like 24ish

[x] How many kids do you want: like 2 or 3

[x] Girl's names: Charly Marie
[x] Boy's names:

--> h a v e y o u e v e r .
[x] Been in love?: Yepp and i still am, with the same person! <3
[x] Lied?: little white lies
[x] Cheated on a test?: proly

[x] Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Heck NO!
[x] Tied your shoes together?: yea lol
[x] Eaten something with a lot of fat?: umm cant you tell?!?!

--> f e e l i n g s .
[x] Worst Feeling in the world: loving someone who doesnt care
[x] Best feeling in the world: loving and being loved in return ..
[x] Can you define love?: yes i sure can..and i will in my next entry bc i dont have time right now..

[x] Do you get along with your parents?: my dad for the most part
[x] Are you ticklish?: lol yea
[x] Where?: if you needed to know you already would..

--> o p p o s i t e s e x .
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes smile style and laugh
[x] Perfect "dream" date: walking on the beach at sunset and just talking, bc you can never know everything about someone. you can always find out something new, i love finding out new things about brad by only if theyre from him!

[x] What do you look for in the opposite sex?: they have a good personality and can laugh and have fun no matter whos around. you can be yourself around them. theyre willing to listen to you and talk to you. they try to understand your problems no matter how much they never will. you have to feel like theyre the right one for you, and once you find them, no one else will be okay bc everyone will be compared to them.
[x] What does the opposite sex not know about you?: well Brad knows pretty much everything but other guys dont really need to know..

--> e i t h e r / o r
[x] Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
[x] Sing or Dance: both..
[x] Hug or Kiss: both

[x] Italian or Chinese: both
[x] Fire or Ice: Fire
[x] Tampons or pads: Tampons

--> f r i e n d s .
[x] Person you can trust the most: i hate picking one friend but id have to say Brad and Dani
[x] What are the best qualities of a friend: fun, loud, trustworthy, caring, doesn't make fun of u, stands up for u, you have alot in common, theyre willing to listen to your problems and they understand, and they are just as messed up lol..good answer dani lol
[x] What friend do you have the most fun with: all of them otherwise they wouldnt be my friends..

--> s h o w e r

[x] Shampoo you use: Vive and Garnier Fructise
[x] How long are your showers: depends on how long i have and feel like taking usually 20 minutes to a half hour
[x] Do you sing in the shower: lol yes
[x] Do/Think about anything unusual in the shower: i think about everything in the shower..its my "me time" to be alone lol

i miss muh spiices

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