
Jul 28, 2009 16:05

He is a vain, somewhat dense human being, who doesn't even know the destiny of the universe and the collective threads of fate twist by his presence alone, carrying a sword he stole from his father's collection--a living legend in his own days--forged of material from two polar opposite realities, that can and has killed God, and can feasibly sunder all of existence without any resistance whatsoever.

And he is a weak character, compared to the traumatically-broken, tripolar disordered, near-psychotic, artificial death chimera fighting ON HIS SIDE, who punched a hole through the barriers dividing universes, dimensions and realities to kill a being who literally ignores the collective strength of an entire universe, because the rules of reality no longer applies to them, and who the multiple Gods of the universe admit they cannot kill, backlashing the power of all creation INSIDE by opening the hole in the space the being stood, instead of from the outside; solving the age old question posed by the literal representations of the Unstoppable Force and the Immovable Object the two characters had become, by having the Unstoppable force cheat.

It's either the most ridiculous thing ever done,or fucking dakka, moar dakka; cmon, more universe-ripping uber DAKKA.
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