request a character

Jul 12, 2013 05:09

This is where you can request a character. Please fill in the following form and post it in the comments or send it in to the staff via e-mail.

Wanted: the author you're requesting
Wanted By: which character is requesting this author, if applicable.
Why: why you want this character.
Suggestions: this is where you can discuss things like potential pbs or roles.
Contact: how the player applying to play this character can get in touch with you. If you're reluctant to give out your contact information, you can include your character's journal (make sure the privacy settings allow other non-friend journals to contact you) or ask that players e-mail the mods so we can get you in touch with them.

Make sure you're specific about what you expect or don't expect from the other player. If you're requesting this character, you'll probably be playing together a lot, so it's important to be specific about things that are big dealbreakers for you.
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