Apr 27, 2006 12:46
So I just got my grade for the zoology exam I took two hours ago, and I made a 96, which means I will more than likely pull out 3 A's this semester. And now, for your reading pleasure...How I Kicked My Zoology Exam's Ass (a play in one act)
Zoo Exam: I am menacing. Fear me, puny liberal arts major!
Me: I do fear you, but I shan't let that get in the way of trying to get an 80 on this exam.
Zoo Exam: Very well, let us kung fu fight! (kung fu fighting commences)
Zoo Exam: You indeed are a worthy adversary. I bow before your knowledge of meiosis and Mendelian genetics.
Me: That's right, biyatch. Now stop your prostrations and go make me a sandwich.
Zoo Exam: What would you like on it, sir?
Me: Tuna salad. Make it snappy.