Mar 12, 2009 20:58
02. you have a plane ticket to anywhere. where would you go? what will you pack? what will you do? what will you buy? what will you have forgotten to bring? how long will you stay? what is the hotel like? or will you stay at a hostel, a lodge, a bed and breakfast? when you go on an imaginary trip, the details are endless.
My plane ticket would likely be to a place I've never before, like Ireland. It has to be somewhere not to tropical (I burn and am not happy with my body), where sweaters are more accepted than bikinis.
I would pack nothing but jeans and comfy shirts. If I want a nice meal, I'll ask for recommendations on either somewhere that will let me in wearing clean jeans or for a place offering take out. While I love nice restaurant food, I tend to dislike stuffy atmospheres.
I will likely forget something important, but easily replaceable, like my contacts case or sun screen (because even if I'm wearing a sweater, I'll likely still need it). I don't tend to have a lot of things that I need on an emotional level, though I am not typically a light packer, so I always forget something.
The few things that I do have an emotional connection to, though, tend to be my purchases on special trips or at special times of my life. I have jewelry from most of these trips, and if I were in Ireland, I would want something in the celtic knot family. Something from a small place on a street corner lot, the sign swinging in the wind, the old man leaning on the counter, flipping through a magazine when I walk in. He wouldn't be one to pressure me into a purchase, but when I asked him to show me what he had of the sterling silver pendants, he would bring out a display that would take my breath away. I would want them all, would try to rationalize the expense, but would likely walk away with a knot that meant something significant to me.
I think I would stay until my money ran out, be it three days or three months (this is my dream vacation, remember... there are no strings pulling me back to the real world). I would start with a nice hotel, but I would soon get bored with it, and probably head off to the outskirts of whatever town I was in to find a bed and breakfast, perhaps even a hostel.
And since this is my imaginary vacation, I would also change my often cloistered personality. I would be outgoing, passionate, charismatic. I would experience everything that came my way, be it new foods, new drinks, new music, new loves.
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