Feb 23, 2009 20:02
02. list your obsessions. what do you think about, obsess over, what types of things, ideas, ideals, plans, dreams, and hopes consume your mind? what are you known for? wearing red lipstick? write about that.
One of my obsessions in the morning is that I decide on which underwear and bra to wear first. This determines the color scheme I will be wearing that day. It isn't as though I have to match the bra color to the shirt color (that would be too expensive for my cheapskate personality), but it has to belong to the same laundry family. For example, if I'm wearing a black bra, I have to wear a shirt that could be washed with blacks (reds, oranges, blacks). I will occasionally allow an off-white bra to be worn with very light blue sweater, but that is as far from the scheme as I allow myself to stray.
Granted, I assume this is not a highly unusual behavior, to match the undergarments with the outergarments. Remember, though, I choose the underwear first. And then I have to stick with it.
I might cycle through three or more outfits before finalizing what I wear for the day, but once the underwear and bra are out of the dresser drawers, my color scheme choices are limited. These choices consume my mind for the first 20 minutes of the day, and they are the most peaceful minutes I have.
I don't have time to obsess over much through the rest of the day, though I certainly have my share of addictions. Coffee, everything bagels, the internet and all of its social facets, excel spreadsheets, books, food, radio, mixed CDs... each addiction shares my energy. Though, books consume most of my personal budget on a weekly basis.
I love Half Price Books, a used book store chain. I'm also a cheapskate (see above) and so I spend most of my browsing time in the clearance section of a used book store. I've found a few wonderful books, plenty of horrid ones, and more unsavored ones as of yet. I cannot release books from my ownership once I have them, and I currently have over 1,000 books catalogued in my personal library.
I try to read at least 50 full length books in a year. For the past two years, I've written at least a short review of every young adult novel, fiction, or non-fiction that I've read.
My hope is that someday, I will have record of reading and reviewing 1,000 books, and by that time, I hope to have over 2,000 catalogued. If I have ever read everything that I own, I will be a very sad Brianna.
All in all, I am sure very few people notice my clothing. I am far from chic, but I think I look mostly presentable a fair amount of the time. I hope I am known for my personal library, though. And I hope to share my love of books with each and every person I have a close relationship with.
write club