my little piece of shit

Nov 30, 2005 23:25

i do give a lot of advice
i do speak my mind alot
i am often very blunt in my speak
i also take peoples advice(i could use a decent piece right now)
i support the shit out of riann+malcolm
malcolm&riann&anna why did you three fucking get into my wendy business and twist it up just so you could be pissed at me. it's like you want to have a reason to judge me. fuck you all for that its not your business. i wish i could take a step without my every movement being judged. you dont even know what fucking happened. guess what? you wanna know? nothing! i handled it pretty well, didnt even fucking kiss the girl so fuck off about it and anything else you find wrong with what somebody said that they thought they might have dreamt about me saying i might do to someone in the event of an emergency on the 27th floor of the empire state building. fuck!
riann you are so fucking mean some times god damn it all everyone cares to do is be there for you cant you see that, its bullshit they way you treat me what the fuck?
tyler what the hell was with you saying that i dont have any teenage angst?
does everybody want me to fuck up? thats a pretty shit thing to want. i want my friends to be happy.

i have a lot of shit on my mind and thats just my personal stuff but this i really dont need.
riann you are being a terrible friend quit questioning me.


again i write this not to piss people off but because i care about them and what they think(martyr shit again, i know) but guess what im not that bad of a guy i definately dont waste my time give advice to people so they think im better than them if that were so i try to talk to a lot more people that i dont really care to.

im so angry

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