Mar 17, 2006 09:44
i'm going camping today, i'm not sure how much i want to, but i'm going anyways, i'm going with my family. but anyways... i hung out with audrey last night, it was really great, i really missed her, but it was great because we just kinda picked up where we left off. i really think she was meant to be my older sister, or maybe she was in another life. either way she's the older sister i never had. she's my mentor, she reads my poetry and rips it apart, and i love it, she reminds me to read and to hold on to my love of literature and writing. she is the only one i've got to do that for me. my older sister and i love her. i'm feeling rather pensive lately... i'm not sure what it is, but right now i'm lost mostly in my own thoughts, and for now.... i think i'm ok with that. i will let my heart rediscover the truth, because i've been lying to it for so long, its about time i trusted it and let it tell me when its right or not, rather than letting my mind rule. my mind is a dangerous weapon, and i need to give my heart more power so hopefully it will be able to control my live-wire of a mind. because all its been doing is getting me in trouble and involved in situations i know i never should have got myself into. but anyways... for now i will be happy and trust myself. its been two weeks since i last talked to abe, and oddly enough.. i don't miss him as much as i expected i would. oh well, i will find new love, and i will find love that lets me keep myself, and love that loves me for all of me and nothing more, nothing less, because "to be any more than all i am, would be a lie" (jefferson airplane) and i dont want to be anything else, i love my free hippie spirit, and anyone that cannot love that, cannot love me trully and doesn't deserve to be called 'mine.' i am getting reaquainted with myself, and it is a wonderous journey.