Nov 20, 2005 02:03
What a downer. I mean, I knew all the things that would happen, but I was just gripped by the horror. I cried so much. Especially when he killed all those children. I certainly won't be watching that movie often.
So it would seem I've gone too far. I cut deep enough that my dad said I was close to touching the tendons which could cause permanent nerve damage. He was so upset, and he gets queasy at the sight of wounds like that. He can hardly watch someone draw blood from me. And I was crying. So now I have two butterfly bandages holding together the separate sides of skin and a giant bandaid over those. I sat and watched the movie with my parents, with my dad's arm around me, and cried a lot. I've basically been crying all day with intermittent breaks. I really keep expecting to wake up and find out this whole year has been a nightmare.