May 14, 2005 18:54
Everything right now seems to be going to shit. Friends, my family, my school, and my life pretty much are on the same level right now- all too fucked up to believe. i just wish I could get in my car and just drive... disappear for a lil bit and then come back out when I am ready to.. not by anyone elses standards. Im definatly sick of people trying to ruin my life and trying ot make me feel worse about my self then I already do. Everyone always tells me these stories about other people talking about me... I wonder if they do too along with their friend. I dont like being fucking called crazy or any other stupid shit like that. Im not the fucking crazy one. I just dont conform with societys ideas and nonoriginal thoughts. I think like no other out there and YOU have the nerve to call me crazy>> I'd say you;re the crazy one for not questioning shit. I am also sick of my parents putting everyone else in front of my sister and I. I am so sick of them telling me I'm a piece of shit then having my friends tell me how much of a piece of shit I am. I'm about ready to blow my fucking head off and thats all everyone has to talk about is my "weed" problem (If I didnt smoke.. I'd be in jail by now for killing someone or fucking them up) or how stupid I am because I cant pass school. You all think that its going to help me by doing all these things and saying all this shit but its not. Its going to make me not want to talk to you or be around you. I think Im just going to be by myself for a while because I cant hurt myself as bad as others have hurt me.(emotionally anyways)