(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 17:46

Haha. We had that Day of Silence today and it was great. Things went over very well and we had lots of people participating. Granted the "truth" trucks came, but you know what? they were civil and things went over well. Little bit of herassment, but nothing as bad as last year that I've heard of yet. Over all I had a lot of fun. Had one person come up to me all angry and when they asked me if I supported I said (well, wrote) I had organized it (in partnership with Justin), and he walked away all grossed out. It was funny.
Hehee, my hair looks like Sailor Moon's. I had it up in two buns today and I just took it down, so I have pony tials and added the little loop thingy and it's in one big open curl, it's hilarius. lmao.
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