Nov 04, 2007 05:59
"I live in a Pedagogic System genre 'Convergence to Singularity.'"
A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that there was so such thing as straight-up brilliance or genius. I had decided that people that could be considered by the general population to be under one of these 2 categories were really just people that were passionate enough about something-or-other in order to devote enough time to this subject in order to become fluent in the language and then use its accepted truths in order to understand further. After starting university in the Physics Department at the University of Geneva, this notion of brilliance and genius still holds, though I now feel that IF a true prototype of HIGHER INTELLIGENCE, that is higher CAPACITY to PROCESS information, exists, I am encountering it here and now for the first time (except for a few fleeting exceptions) in my life and in mass quantity:
For instance, I am learning first-year general mechanics under a professor that uses the Natural Units. For those of you that, like me one week ago, have no clue what the natural units are, it is a system of units like the SSI that uses the meter, second, kilogram and is primarily used in theoretical, that is *cough* VERY advanced and cutting-edge, physics. (As I mentioned in my last post:) This system of units has taken all important constants in physics and turned them into ONE:
Normally we learn in all General Mechanics EVERYWHERE that P=mV (that is Momentum = mass times Velocity). However, this sytem of units turns mass (in which mass is in kilograms such that 2.2 kg=1 pound) into a constant that is equal to one. So imagine the confusion in the last month when sometimes we would see P=V. Momentum equals Velocity? What is that??? Well finally, the derivaitons of formula's in this "Alice du Pays des Merveilles" fashion had started to converge and slow down enough that I could actually understand that something was fishy and was able to raise my hand and ASK during the class of exercises with the assistant! (Things really move so fast that no one has time to even question what doesn't go in their head, because EVERYTHING DOESN'T GO IN THEIR HEAD.... And even I AM ONE OF THE STUDENTS THAT OTHER STUDENTS COME TO FOR HELP!)
So it is a curious thing their pedagogic system of "convergence to singularity" because the response to my question was Exercise One on this weeks homework: Derive the System of Natural Units... "What is Natural Units?" It is a system that will bring our minds closer to being ONE.
Deuxième Cas: My Advanced Calc prof goes from point a to point m in about 2 seconds on the board in front of us, leaving us to pencil and paper to see how he got there.
So does genius exist? I don't know... But these guys know their shit frontwards and backwards.