Jul 07, 2007 08:20
After eating a bit of meat the last two days I am feeling a bit clogged. It is a strange and uncomfortable feeling. BUT the meat TASTED GOOD! YAY!
So I officially have asthma.
Eating Ben & Jerry's for breakfast in front of the computer.
Went out with Jan (pronounced Yan) last night. German particle physicist at CERN. We met last week at an outdoor lakeside concert. We are going to the Lake Parade (aka Gay Parade) together today. I like that I can talk about spirituality with him from a factual, physics perspective. I like that I can say the word "energy" and it means very close to the same thing to him as to me. And I like that we both want to help with the clean energy crises with physics.
The super-DUPER-cool thing is that there are a LOT of people like him here.