Jan 25, 2005 23:00
1. What time do you get up? hmmm whenever i am awoken...
2. If you could eat lunch with ANYONE... who would it be? matt!! we dont ever have the same lunch and its ticking me off...
3. Gold or silver? silver. i dont do gold.
4. What was the last show you saw at the cinema? its gonna be something old... yeh. return of the king. and before that, the two towers.
5. Favorite TV show(s)? scrubs!! friends, fairly odd parents, futurama, family guy
6. What did you have for breakfast? whatever is in the front of the fridge
7. What is your middle name? bronwyn... also from arthurian literature of some sort...
8. Read any good books lately? yeah i just finished this great xfiles book called skin. very gruesome.
9. Beach, City or Country? hmm definetly not beach. city at night, country/woods at night.
10. Favorite ice cream? not!!
11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? salt. i like salt.
12. What kind of car do you drive? the best kind! nonexistant!! doesnt hurt as much when you drive in to people
13. Favorite sandwich? peanut butter and peach jelly
14. What characteristics do you despise? hypocracy
15. Favorite flower? i dunno... anything... not really
16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? new york, ireland, maybe germany but thats just cuz i could talk there
17. What color is your bathroom? uh... i dont personally own a bathroom
18. Favorite brand of clothing? goodwill!!!
19. Where would you retire to? anywhere with enough room for a studio
20. Favorite day of the week? the day of saturn.
21. What did you do for your last birthday? i recitaled!!!
22. Where were you born? i wasnt borned. i was spawned... shhhh. itsa secret
23. Favorite sport to watch? none of the above!!!
24. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? my avacado duckie.
25. Person you expect to send it back first? han solo
26. What fabric detergent do you use? the kind that doesnt have the little teddy bear. that little guy scares the poopie out of me
27. Coke or Pepsi? whichever is most readily available
28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? haha depends on something... uh... like whether i slept or not... yeh
29. What is your shoe size? yeah. thats actually a great conversation starter. yeah. just walk up to someone and ask them what shoe size they wear. works even better with people youve never met before. oh yeah, eight or six, depending on which sex.
30. Do you have any pets? an over grown rat, two kitties, one anorexic, and one obese.
31. What is your favorite smell? hehehe. matt!!
32. What is your least favorite smell? cigarette smoke.
33. What is your favorite color? i dig me some purple. and some red. and some green. and some ... yeah. all colors rock. just in moderation, and mixed in with a whole whole whole lotta black.
34. What is your favorite number? seven or three. prime numbers.
35. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla ice cream... chocolate evrthang else
36. What is your sign and when is your b-day? saggitarius, dec. 20
37. What do you fear the most? being bad at something
38. What is most important to you in life? not being bored
39. What is your favorite magazine? anything with lots of neato pictures ... preferably of guys.
40. What type was your first car? a pink convertible with a purple steering wheel. oh yeah baby. fisher price all the way..
41. Vanilla Ice or Milli Vanilli? well, ice is a looser, and milli vanilli lipsynched. it wasnt even them singing. so neither.
42. Dog or cat? kitties or a non hyper dog
43. Pizza or cheeseburger? how bout a boca burger?
44. Country or rap music? well, outta those, i gotta go with country. the chicks and toby keith rock.
45. TV or radio? the tellyvizzle is my buddy.
46. Cuban National Baseball Team or New York Yankees? how about... THE NEW FLESH-O-POID CLEANER!!!
47. E-mail or snail mail? i dont like emailing. it doesnt like me either.
48. Bald or artificial turf? gotta go with bald. theres some really bad fakes out there.
49. Dr. Evil or Austin Powers? gotta go with the guy with a tiny clone of himself. that would be sooo freakin sweet.
50. Do I have too much time on my hands? who? me or you? i think you know the answer. to both of those.
51. Do you have a little world living inside your head? yes.
52. If you could, would you become a vampire? sure. why not?
53. Design your dream shoe. well... they would be clear platforms. and yes i know the spice girls platforms craze is over, but just wait. inside the toe is water, on which floats seven tiny rubber duckies. sexy, right?
54. If you could be any toy, what would it be and why??? uh... i would have to say strapon. a purple one.
55. Describe urself in one word. partially