
Dec 10, 2005 14:56

I have Such a major beef( I still use this word) anout biographys written about stars by other people. This pisses me off to no end. Basically they can write about them in any manner they chose, and most embelish or flat out lie about things, which is why abstain from reading things. THe only bios I trust are autobiographys. The most famous case of crappy biographys are all the marilyn monroe bios out there. The shit in theses are insane. Some may be true yes, but they basically say whatever the fuck they want, regardless of whats true.

I thought that was what made me most angry but even more so I hate that people eat upp these biographys like they're 100% reliable. People seem to never have heard of propaganda or lying to sell a product. These are the people you see in message boards spouting off crap the read in such biography, and spreading crap to everyone else. Now don't get me wrong, i read biopgraphys tooo, I just know when i open the book, if it isn't an auto biography or at keast authorised by the subject of the book, It probably isn't reliable.

Happy reading.
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