Mar 14, 2007 00:58
I have no focus. My browser is open with tabs pointing to an article on Indo-Iranians, Cetacean Intelligence, an Ebay page with Meso-American archaeology books, and I'm thinking about how to write two research proposals, one dealing with the signs of butchery and intentional use on Terrapene carolina (that's the Eastern Box Turtle), and one seeking grant money in order to fund a dig of an historical cabin site behind the parking deck on campus.
I'm listening to a band I just discovered, I'm trying to figure out what it is I'm going to write my Senior Seminar paper on (the one I haven't started, and the one that has a rough-draft due on Tuesday of next) as well as contemplating my presentation on Hopwell and Hopewellian labor dynamics and the stress of mound-building on social and dietary systems.
To top this all off...I'm writing this. I need focus.
Any advice?