Last night I forgot to sign up for my class again, and i had about two hours to my leisure to complete it, FUCK ME and connie and i were eating dinner and not going to be anywhere near a computer until past the absolute supreme no man's land end of the sidewalk deadline and connie calmed me down and said don't worry it's easy yadda yadda because i was freaking out
and I was such a fucking idiot because it was the absolute last day to add and I had the goddamn sticker and I already did a shit ton of work for the class and it's a ton of trouble for the school to add past the date because the government won't send money for kids past the date and im fucking pissed at myself because I really needed that fucking class and I don't even know what to argue in my favor, it's pretty hard to make up a lie for this one. So FUCK.
This is not what I want to be worrying about before this stupid exam, and I woke up too fucking early this morning because im so hungover and just, fuck. If anyone can think of a valid excuse for me that would have kept me busy for about eight hours without any access to a computer (there are computers on campus), please feel free to let me know. I can't believe this, I already put way too much time in this class for them to just drop me. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I finally get out and have a good time and, of course, it bites me in the ass. Im so fucking incompetent it's ridiculous. Yeah sorry professor, duhrrr, I got really fucking sauced and forgot all about your class...duhrrr, please put all this extra effort in to add me. Yeah...that's not gonna slide. I took a nap after class and woke up after 2am? That might work.....but still, it's pretty hopeless. dammit. I worry too much, look at me, im a mess over something really stupid. My stomach is in fucking knots for chrissakes. Damn you deirdre, why couldn't you have been more----- r e l a x e d-------
im so tired right now, I can't even think. last night was fun, but it gave me one fucking hell of a terrible cough, just what i need when im gonna be sitting in a dead quiet exam room for hours.
dead silence and then.......HACK HACK HACK MUCOUS MUCOUS MUCOUS (there goes my lung) HACK SPEW SPEW spit. ok i think im done venting and such.
p.s. i can't believe how fucking stupid i am sometimes. wow.
p.p.s on a side note
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