my 3rd annual survey of the year!! 2009 (i skipped '08 i think..whoops)

Dec 18, 2009 02:47

2009 Survey (its the same one i did last year for 2006 and 2007)
Answer the questions as they apply to the past year.

Age you turned: 26 wtf!
Did you grow?: always
School/Work: 4.0 ALL YEAR!/ lame
IM Screen name(s): becca1582
Best birthday gift: wii fit plus woo woo
Best Christmas/holiday gift: it's not xmas yet but mic gave me an SWEET pair of headphones today...fuck he's so thoughtful!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most important thing you learned: to not be so sensitive. and that it was totally worth all the bullshit.
Did your physical appearance change?: i lost 35 pounds! yay finally....still have a way to go...and some of it's back lol
Did you, personally change?: i don't think so. maybe gotten smarter. and more motivated. much much happier.
Best month(s): all of them mostly
Worst month(s): probably july purely because i was poor and fall semester started and i was super stressed...but it still wasn't a bad month

Best friend(s): my rents as always, michael and jess and val
New friend(s): some work people
Lose any friends?: not any that weren't really my friends already
Lose any family members?: not yet. daddy mac's going fast though
Any new family members?: no whew
Most influencial person(s): michael probably, just from the sheer amount of time we've spent together. and of course my widdle boobunny- monster

Have any crushes?: yep i'm with him! yay
How many relationships?: one :)
Longest relationship: 3 years and counting
Shortest relationship: n/a
Did you have your heart broken?: nope <3
Status at the beginning of the year: in a relationship
Status now: in a relationship
Status you want/ed to be: i really didn't care
Have any regrets?: no
Did you fall in love?: starting our 4th year soon!

Sports played/joined: running!
Clubs joined: scrabble
Other activities (arts, drama, music, etc): mobile museum of art, tennis, NSA (scrabble), research studies for school
Quit/drop any sports?: no
Quit/drop any clubs?: no
Any sports, clubs, or activites you wish you joined?: there's always more but i'm happy with what's on my plate now
Wish you quit?: no

Did you party?: god.
Did you throw any parties?: kinda. little ones
Vacations: bonnaroo, kinda broke this year
Best winter event: christmas!
Best spring event: making a 4.0
Best summer event: scrabble in the park, playing with my puppins. making a 4.0
Best autumn event: riding bikes and running making a 4.0 lol
Ever sneak out?: i'm an adult!
Get in any fights?: not physical
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): not that i can immediately think of

Plans for the new year?: school, less lazy, make this house badass
Hopes for the new year?: that i can drop some wieght as always
New Years Resolution: ^
Goals you want to accomplish: ^^^^^^
Anything you're putting behind you?: not really. it's been pretty routine for me
Age you will turn: 27 yipes!
Any big changes taking place?: graduating
Going anywhere?: napa valley!
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