Jul 14, 2006 12:06
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can I just get a job??? Apparently not.
I just got a call about yet another dream job- managing online marketing and community building for a veree veree hip n groovy foreign car company. Had a great phone interview, the salary range was better than anything else I've been up for (which means it was in my desired range), etc. etc.
The position is in New Jersey and is not commutable via public transport.
Damn it!
I rarely if ever feel bad that I don't drive- for me it's too much of a hassle, too expensive and too much of a responsibility. I use my bad eyes as an excuse. But this time I'm mad. Why is it so hard for me to just have my job stars and planets align? What is wrong with me???
And the record label dickhead didn't even respond to my "did you receive my application?" email?
But the LA- based marketing company did respond (promptly) to my "just touching base" email- she's gonna call me next week to let me know what they have coming up.
And I have a (rescheduled from Thursday) interview at 2 today with that small, pre-lauch travel website. I am very not in the mood to go. But I will.
Other things going on in my life are giving me a buncha "is it meeeeee?" stress as well, which is kinda weird, considering that I pretty much have no life. You'd think that limited interaction with other human beings would eliminate all such stress. It mainly surrounds Kenji and the ile, which is perhaps my least favorite source of drama. Stuff like that makes me want to crawl under a rock never to emerge. I totally blew of Ade's ocha birthday yesterday, mainly because I'd just spent the whole morning from early (as well as the previous two mornings) watching the Iyawo and her brother and by the time I got back home all i wanted to do was crawl under a rock and sleep for a million hours, which I did. Or get a pedicure and buy expensive fruit from g of e, which I also did. I knew Ade would be not thrilled that I never came back to the house for his birthday and he totally called me at 11:56pm, but I didn't pick up because I just-can't-deal. I need a job and until i get one nothing else is gonna be right with me.
I need to redo my resume.
job search obsession,
spiritual shit