Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1) I can dislocate my knuckles at will.
2) I read compulsively. I work hard to keep interesting and stimulating reading material around, or else I find myself reading the ingredients on hair care products or the backs of cereal boxes.
3) I can read and write Latin, and I know Esperanto.
4) I won't eat cold food that's been touching hot food. So like, if you are serving a nice hot casserole and the salad's on the same plate, I won't eat the salad. I'll pick at the far edge, which is still all crisp and cool, but I always decide in the end that I don't really want it.
5) I'm afraid of babies. Not of having them - of actual babies. They're creepy little alien-things with giant heads and they're all doughy and floppy. Scary!
6) I like helping people move. It's hard to explain why - I guess that it's because it's hard to get people to actually come through on helping with a move and so being that person who actually shows up and is willing to pick up heavy stuff says the kind of thing about me that I want people to think about me.
I tag: