The mission: Obtain a recliner

Feb 25, 2010 21:27

The problem: Lack of a comfy sitting place to watch TV.

The goal: Obtain a recliner - perfect for one single solitary person to sit, put feet up, watch a bit of boob tube. Or in such cases as necessary, sub in as an ad hoc bed for whoever needs it.

The obstacles: Lack of funds, lack of transportation.

The plan:

1. Convince a friend to come over - possibly with bribes of home cooked food. Friend must have medium to large vehicle. SUV or wagon quite adequate.

2. Hit up craigslist, browse until a suitable recliner is found. Shabby OK, free ideal though a small sum might be coughed up to obtain something not too broke down. Friend obtained in step 1 will help make this bit a roaring good time.

3. Go fetch chair with the help of friend and their car.

4. Repay friend for their kindness with... um... I dunno, how does beef picadillo sound?
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