Osho says

Jan 30, 2005 17:07

All belief systems are destructive to communication. And the whole of life is nothing but communication-communicating with trees, communicating with rivers, communicating with sun and moon, communicating with people and animals. It is communication; life is communication.

Dialogue dissapears when you are burdened with belief systems. How can you really be in a dialogue? You are already too full of your own ideas and you think they are absolutely true. When you are listeneing to the other, you are just being polite; otherwise you don't listen. You know what is right, you are simply waiting until this man finishes and then you jump upon him. Yes, there can be a debate and discussion adn argumentation, but there can be no diaglue. Between two beleive systems there is no possibility of dialogue. Beliefs destroy friednship, beliefs destroy humanity, beliefs destroy communicition.

So if you want to see and hear and listen, then you will hae to drop all belief systems. You can't be a Hindu, you can't be a Mohammedan, you can't be a Christian. You can't afford these kinds of nonsense,; you have to be sensible enough to be without beliefs. Caged in your own system, you are unavailable and the other is unavailable to you.

People are moving like windowless houses. Yes, you come close, smoetimes you clash wth each other-but you never meet....everyone is imprisoned in his own conditionings; everybody is carrying his own prison around him. This has to be dropped.

Beliefs create a kind of smugness, adn beleiefs stop exploration because one becomes afraid. Maybe you come across soemthing that is against your belief-then what? It will disturb your whole system. So it is better not to explore-remain confined to a dull, dead, defined world; never go beyond it.

Osho, Intuition-Knowing Beyond Logic

For me, this dude is right on. He combines many ideas that resonate with me. It's about being in the present. Not judging. Using inituition more than logic, moving beynd the mainstream status quo-even the supposed "alternatives" and leftists, the PCers, have a status quo. Living life differently. Even when most people don't get it. Don't live in the past. History is a recording of human's worst behavior. Fewresords the goodness or good deeds of humanity. That is boring. History is full of stories of the Statins, Hitlers, Khans, Amins, Hussains. The guys who live off instinct, not intellect and not intitutionm. These people facinate and frighten us. We remember them.

People bitch about polities. Osha says "The world of politics is basically of the instrinctive elvel. it belongs to the law of the jungle:might is right. And the peoploe,who get interested in politics are the most mediocre. Politics needs no other qualificaitons except one-that is, a deep feeling of inferiority..Politics means will to power."

He talks about the politics between men and woman. To him, any power trip makes you a politican.

He says,

"To me, politics means an effort to prove yourself sperior. But why?-becasue you feel, dep down, inferior. And the man of instinct is bound to feel inferor-he is inferior. It is not an "inferiority conplex", it is inf cat, a relity-he is inferior. To live the life of instinct is to live at the lowest possible level of life.

If you understand the struggle, the fight for beign superior, you drop out fo the fight-you simply say 'I am myself, neither superior nor inferior.' If you just stand by the side and watch the whole show; you have entered into the second world-the world of intelligence and consciousness."

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