more school...

Sep 15, 2004 22:53

Monday, September 13, 2004

2-9 schedule except 1-9 on wednesdays.
2- hysaj physics, 3- concert chorus lanahgan, 4-us history glass, 5- M$5a Krasnoff 6- eng5H McMahon, 7-Leadership 8- Yoga 9- Spanish 5 Ramon

Wednesday, September 14, 2004

Alright everyone here's my latest scoop. Well I'd like to start off by mentioning that homecoming will be on October 16, 2004. Drop see the football team compete. Hopefully we'll have a dance on Friday...which would mark the "Homecoming Dance". We're still working on ideas for a name..if ya'll have any free to drop suggest. teachers..are okay. you know what Hysaj did a pretty damn good job of explaining physics too me. It ALMOST seemed easy..note the caps.. Okay now off to Concert guys are kicking ass this year! You people have to hear these boys..sopranos are okie and altos are the same as's gonna be great..i TELL YA. Next, Ms. Glass is awesome. Haha...GUYS....she's your teacher...stop drooling on her. Other than that she's totally cooler than Palazzo. Although Palazzo definately prepared me for the tests big time...Next..I have math. Boring! Hello..right Isha? OMG...M$5A is for retards...hey everyone whats...2X+16=20? thought so...Hate miss zak for putting be in the lower track...snore...Anyways..thereafter..I have Ms. Mcmahon for English. WOW EVERY SINGLE ENGLISH teacher I had so far... has been amazing. I like how she uses the same concept as Mr. Rooney did.."It's not what other ppl say about the book. Its the way that you feel about it..and the connections you make with it" :) I have Leadership..yay No Lunch for okay. WHY IN THE WORLD does everyone think I'm a NEW STUDENT?!!!!!!! Wow..when I was a freshie...everyone thought I was a junior/senior. And now that I'm a junior everyone thinks i'm a freshman...Psssh.Ninth Period Roman. Borin nuff said.

Oh and Freshman Suck. PEOPLE avoid the cafeteria..people are crazy. Why do some of the freshie's have attitudes. Maybe cuz they try to hard to fit in. I was waiting in the metrocard line and I wanted to smack the girl behind me who as like.."u no that girl over there..she's so and so. That boy is so and so.. Ugh..STOP USING WORDS that don't make any sense. They don't understand that its easier to make friends when you are nice as opposed to being a total bitch..or THUG. Ugh they make me wanna transfer to a new school..preferrably private. WTF.. that's why parents in NY should send their a good middle school. Away from the city. ( Florida) ::shudders:: I remember how I once got a detention for no belt, no polo style collared shirt. A detention for having my shirt tucked out. And 2 detentions for getting caught with gum. They need that discipline here....bye

Monday, September 13, 2004

2-9 schedule except 1-9 on wednesdays.

2- hysaj physics, 3- concert chorus lanahgan, 4-us history glass, 5- M$5a Krasnoff 6- eng5H McMahon, 7-Leadership 8- Yoga 9- Spanish 5 Ramon
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