edensflowers has a batch of really lovely Disney icons,
here. These have a very delicate and almost etheral quality that really lends itself well to Disney fantasy. Great use of light textures -- They add to the atmosphere of the icons without overpowering them. There are a handful of animated icons in there, too, and while I'm not a fan of animated icons in general, these are done well if you like that sort of thing.
lastfires has a set of fabulous, gritty Fight Club icons,
here. The subtle use of textures and dynamic, fearless cropping really channels the feeling of the film. Number 3 is about as perfect an icon as you can get, in my opinion.
soul_flowers has posted a set of House MD challenge icons,
here. The quality, framing and coloring on all of these is fantastic, but there are a few gems in there that are seriously wow. I don't even watch House anymore, and I love these icons!