May 21, 2005 21:58
I really don't like Jessica Conrad.
I'm very glad to hear that Molly's ok after what happened last week.
I hate Santa Barbara more than any city in the universe.
I hate when your phone rings in a public place and you're fumbling to get it because it's at the bottom of your bag and of COURSE it continues to escape your grasp for like...the next ten minutes and people stare at you for being the obnoxious, rude and inconsiderate citizen that you are and there's, quite frankly, nothing you can do about it until you pick up the phone.
i also hate the fact that my haitian mother uses my cell phone to check up on me for various reasons and calls more than anybody else i know.
but enough of that and on to more important things:
The following list is one comprised of the dumbest movies ever recorded that I have never seen and have no interest in seeing in the future:
star wars (any of them, quite frankly it doesn't matter which episode it is)
harry potter 2, 3, and 4
lord of the rings
napolean dynamite
meet the fockers
actually, anything with ben stiller
anything with adam sandler
pirates of the caribbean
monster in law
i, robot
herbie: fully loaded
anything with lindsay lohan, period
anything with hilary duff
anything with the olsen twins
p.s. hey you know what sucks nuts? not having your license. like it really, really, really sucks hardcore. like, if i was one of those loser depressed emo song writers who wrote melancholy music, i'd write a song about how much that sucks.