May 07, 2014 17:54
So apparently somewhere between setting my oil-laden baking tray/pan thing down to let it cool off and moving it to the dishwasher, my careless ass forgot that "OHEY THIS THING IS LIKE A 1/2" FULL OF OLIVE OIL!" when I tipped it over from the stove to go put it in the dishwasher. My brain skipped over the step where I dump the used oil into a trash bag so it doesn't get all in my pipes.
As an aside, is that still even a thing? Can you pour oil down the drain now? I live in a building that was built circa 1930 and I'm pretty sure the pipes haven't been updated since then.
Most of the oil splattered all over my shirt and pants (it was cold by then, so no burns or anything) and the rest ended up on the floor where I mopped it up.
Uhhhhh . . . how the hell do you get oil stains out of clothes? Because I really like the shirt and pair of jeans which currently look/smell like an Italian restaurant threw up on them and I'd like to be able to wear them again.
Edit: Mopping it up didn't do shit, seeing as how I just stepped in there and almost got knocked clear on my ass. So let me add to this question: How do you clean oil off linoleum so you don't fall and break your neck?
Edit #2: Mopped the floor with water and Seventh Generation . . . whatever the hell their clear dishwashing liquid is. Didn't slip and fall after it was dry, so it worked. Thanks! :D Will update with how my clothes go . . .