Hi all, this is my first post here - I hope you guys can help me out with some ideas!
I'm about to move into a new house. I have a front lawn, but the only 'backyard' I have is a big carport (beyond which is a granny flat with other tenants in it). This carport could fit two cars in it, but since I only have one car and would like a bit more privacy from the granny flat I'm trying to work out if I could divide the carport somehow, so that I have the space closer to my back door to make into a little outdoor sitting area.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to cheaply put up some sort of screen across the carport. The floor of the carport is concrete, and the divider would have to come out from the fence at the back of the carport, across the bare concrete, with nothing for it to attach to on the other side (front opening of the carport).
Here is a terrible diagram:
I looked at bamboo screens, but they need something to hold them up and you can see the supports for the carport roof are too close to the house to make a large enough space using those as a structure for the divider. The roof of the carport is quite high, so I'm not sure it would be feasible to use it to keep a divider in place. And bamboo panels are a bit pricey. :( I'm on a pretty limited income so the cheaper the better.
Any ideas would be much appreciated!
edit: Thanks for your suggestions! I think the planter idea is great, and will definitely be my back up plan, but a friend suggested I could make a pallet divider like this:
http://101pallets.com/pallet-furniture/patetioning-made-so-easy-of-pallet-room-divider/...and since I already have some pallets I think this will be the cheapest option. :) I might get some heavy planters to put either side of it for a bit more stability. Thanks again for your help! :)